Monday 27 August 2012

Kessingland - monday

We stopped at Felixstowe on our way home. Me, Ness and Chat went round the market and the town and in the amusements.We lost Mum and Dad and they said meet them in the car park but we thought they meant a different car park. Eventually we were reunited.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Kessingland - sunday

We went to the car boot sale in the morning. Dad got chatting to a man who went to Willesden college.
   We went back to the caravan park to do the quiz. Chat was disgusted because the boy reading out the questions was so thick and couldn't read properly.
   In the afternoon we went to Southwold. Me and Ness shared a posh platter for lunch - prawns, crab cakes, salt cod pate, sardines, sourdough bread and aioli dip. Chat got frisked by a machine on the pier. We saw some people on the beach making a sand turtle. In a sweet shop we saw they did special icecreams for dogs.
   Back at the caravan park Chat had a desperado (tequila flavour beer) and Mum had a sip and nearly died. 

Saturday 25 August 2012

Kessingland - saturday

  We had breakfast at Morrisons. Chat said no wonder it's called an all-day breakfast because you have to wait all day for it. Dad asked for brown sauce and the man brought him mayonnaise.
 We had a paddle in the sea at Lowestoft. We went in the amusement arcades and Ness and Chat went on a riding bikes game.
It started raining so we went in Nemo's cafe. The chef came over to the woman at the table next to ours with a bowl of ham and said "Sorry I forgot to put it in your omelette."
We went shopping in the town centre and saw some cakes that looked like cauliflowers in the bakers.We saw a sign for Ness Point.
 Back at the caravan park we went to the bar to play bingo and Ness had a bottle of hooch and we shared some special warm crisps. Chat did an impression of Dad because he was walking like Quasimodo because his back was hurting.

Friday 24 August 2012

Kessingland - friday

Mum, Dad, me, Ness and Chat went to Kessingland for the August bank holiday weekend. In the restaurant where we stopped for lunch Mum nearly fell over tipping her chair back and I had to grab her. Ness, Chat and I went to Africa Alive zoo while Mum and Dad went to check in at the caravan park. We saw some fat-buttocked sheep, big-eared foxes and Chapman's zebras. Our favourite animal was the rhino with his big slobbery hoover lips.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Much Ado

Ness, Joe and I went to see a production of Much Ado About Nothing at Burwash. The modern rude bits went right over Joe's head. It was very atmospheric being outdoors in the dark. We enjoyed a posh picnic from Burwash Larder which contained bread, cheese, quince jelly, bean or aubergine dip, pork pie, choc brownie, strawberries and raspberries.

Saturday 18 August 2012


 Tash, Joe, Josh and I went on the train to London to the Lollibop festival in Regent's Park. It was the hottest day of the year! We got very hot and bothered. We saw Stavros Flatley, Dick and Dom, a fire-breathing dragon, Skylanders, Transformers Optimus Prime truck. Joe and Josh had a go at swing ball and on a lolo ball. Josh had an enormous slice of watermelon. Joe did the B&Q mini maker workshop. Josh made a sand art picture. Josh's favourite thing was lying in the hammocks.

Wednesday 8 August 2012


Me, Tash, Joe and Josh went on a coach trip to Legoland. We went on Viking splash and Pirate falls and got soaked. Then we had a go at the boating school.

Saturday 4 August 2012

Shepreth wildlife park

Tiger day

There was a tiger day at shepreth wildlife park to celebrate ambers (the tiger) 14th birthday! we all dressed up as you can see :) we had a fun day looking at all the animals and josh even won the fancy dress competition! also heart radio took our photo so we are now famous! see it on when we first got there it was pouring with rain but it cleared up later in the day. we thoguht a bat had done a poo but it just dropped its food (a grape) afterwards we all whent to bunnyland and got to stroke the lovley rabbits! cam and josh had there nails painted tigery (above) and josh had his face painted as a tiger. josh enjoyed throwing wet sponges at joe in the stocks. we all had a grrreat day!

by guest Joe Bailey