Saturday 13 April 2013

Wordfest - Saturday

  Josh waved Mum and Dad off on holiday at 6am. We got the bus to town and went to St John's again for the Horrible Science event where we learned some disgusting facts eg that baby pandas pee standing on their heads! Josh queued up and had his book signed with Nick Arnold who Tasha said was a very nice man.
   We met up with Nessa and went to Byron for lunch. Joe had a coke float and a chicken burger and gave it ten out of ten. Even Tasha had a burger! Ness had courgette fries and macaroni cheese with hers. Josh and me liked all the little plastic cows everywhere.
   Then we had to rush to get back to St John's to see Jeremy Strong. We were at the back of the queue to get in so had to sit at the side bit. When Jeremy said "What do you think I keep in the fridge in my writing shed?" Josh put his hand up and said "Food."
   Tasha took the boys to queue up to get their book signed.

Friday 12 April 2013

Wordfest - Friday

   Josh and I went to the Roald Dahl storyteller event at the ADC. We both enjoyed it and found it funny. Then we had an appletiser in the bar till it was time for our next event which was How We Make Stuff. We were interested to learn that paper can be made from elephant poo and wombat droppings!
   We went to Tatties to meet up with Joe and Tasha who had been shopping. We had lunch and a quick visit to the toyshop then we went to St John's College for the Wimpy Kid event. A little brown boy who went up on the stage for the quiz had us all in stitches.
   We went to Heffers to buy some books then we got the bus back to Girton for Dominos and sleepover. 

Monday 1 April 2013

Easter Monday

   Mum and Dad came and picked me up from my second night of independent living. We went to Coton for lunch where there was a very cute mini farm. I stroked a lamb and a baby goat. Dad fell in love with the ducks.