Monday 22 July 2013

Clacton - Monday

We had a good night's sleep in our Travelodge family room.

It was another hot day so Josh had a run through the fountains.

And Ness and Josh cooled off in the sea again.

Josh wanted to see the tide come in.

Josh made some angels in the sand.

We went to Wimpy for lunch and Grandma wanted to introduce Josh to knickerbocker glories but they don't do them anymore! They had to settle for sharing an icecream sundae with marshmallows and strawberry sauce.

We went on the 2p games in the arcades and then it was time to leave.

Back at Girton we took Josh to the allotment and he helped Grandad do the watering.

We finished off the evening by going to the park and then to the pub.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Clacton - Sunday

We drove to Clacton and when we got there headed straight for the beach.

Ness and Josh went in the sea and Josh kept me and Ness busy digging holes in the sand.

We checked in to the Travelodge and Josh enjoyed drinking the little packets of milk.

We went back out and down the pier. Josh had a go on a motorbike ride.

And he had a go on a water squirting game.

And took Ness on the dodgems.

Josh said as we were at the seaside we had to have fish and chips for tea. Josh couldn't manage all of his chips so he threw them to the seagulls and they were gone in about 3 seconds.

We went back down on the beach for Josh to see how his hole was getting on.

Grandma showed Josh how to play hopscotch on the sand.

When we walked back through town we saw a shop that we cheekily said must be just for Grandad.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Strawberry Picking

Josh didn't let Tasha take him strawberry picking without me - lol! At lunch Dad and the boys were talking about the Red Arrows and Dad said to Joe "Do you know what arrow is in French?" Joe didn't know and neither did I. Josh piped up "Is it a-vous-la-la?" Dad was like "Er, no, it's fleche." We all thought Josh's version sounded better.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Baking Workshop

Me, Tash and Ness went to a baking workshop run by Miss Sue Flay. We were split into two groups and while the other group made fruit & spice scones with a streusel topping we got on with making a retro sweetie cake. I got stuck in using the electric whisk. Ness enjoyed crushing up the M&Ms. Turning the cakes out when they were cooked turned out to be a bit tricky! And so did piping the buttercream. When all the baking was finished we all sat round to enjoy the scones with clotted cream and jam and a slice of our cake.

Monday 1 July 2013

Sushi burger

Mum met me for lunch and treated me to a Yo Sushi burger.