Saturday 23 November 2013


   Me and Ness went on a coach trip to Birmingham. Ness nearly started a feud with the woman sitting in front of me who wanted to recline her seat. We moved to the back in the end.
  We had a nice feed-up at the Christmas market. Ness had some mulled wine and I had a pretzel with camembert in. Then we had a fried potato thing with cheese in it. We looked round all the stalls selling christmas decorations, chocolates, etc. We bought some gingerbread and doughnuts.
Then we wandered along to the Bullring shopping centre. Ness enjoyed a bit of Selfridges.
We went back to the market for a massive very German hot dog before it was time to try and find our coach. The whole place was so busy we could hardly move. We nipped into the museum to try and find a loo and even there Ness managed to do some shopping!

Friday 22 November 2013


Ness came for a sleepover round my flat. She gave me some lovely flowers. We had takeaway from Aromi for tea and then we made marmalade to give as Christmas presents.

Friday 1 November 2013

Halfterm continued

Josh supervised us to make some pumpkin cinnamon cupcakes.Then the boys turned us into mummies and we raced down the garden. We got our revenge and wrapped them up next. Joe enjoyed being so tall when we played the get a party ring biscuit with your mouth game.