Saturday 27 August 2011

Kessingland - Saturday

The moody waitress in the restaurant said to Nessa "I would get nearer to put your lunch down but your bag's there in the way." We came second in the quiz - yay! Out of three teams - nooo!
After our paddle in the sea Ness made me wipe the sand off her feet with my socks. We were so bored that Ness reinstigated Aunty Doris's old game of putting 3 pebbles on the back of your hand and throwing them up in the air and catching them. It took me a long time to crack it. Ness found some heart-shaped stones and a willy one. Dad said the bag with the papers in was very heavy and thought we must've snuck some bottles of Coke in it when actually Ness had put rocks in it.
When we were walking back up the beach path, Ness shouted "Will you stop doing that?!" because she thought Chat was pulling on her shoe but it was actually a dog behind her and not Chat at all!
Ness said the lightning flashes were God taking a photo. Dad got a bit liverish aka eggy with us. I had to keep running to the other end of the caravan coz Ness got the farts.

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