Saturday 29 September 2012

Dad's birthday

The Baileys and Ness and Chat came round for a prawn curry or Domino's. Then me, Ness and the boys took Dad on the Girton walk.

Sunday 23 September 2012


Mum and Dad stayed on the coach and went to Fontainebleau and Barbizon while me and Ness went on the metro to go shopping. Then we all met up and had a bit of time in Paris. In the evening we went on a boat along the Seine and saw the Eiffel tower etc all lit up. We ate our macaroons from Laduree just before we went to bed.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Monet's house, Giverny

In the morning the coach took us to Giverny to look round Monet's house and garden. The garden was beautiful with hundreds of different flowers in bloom. We saw the famous bridge and waterlilies. After lunch of sausage and frites we had a snooze on the coach then went to Rouen and visited the cathedral.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Sunny Hunny

Dad, Mum and I met up with the Baileys in Hunstanton. We had lunch at the cafe near the sand dunes at Old Hunstanton then we went down to the beach and Josh did some playing with the sand while Joe went in the sea. We then went to New Hunstanton and had some hot doughnuts. Don, Tash, Joe, Josh and I played crazy golf. Don, Josh and Joe went on the slippery dip. Joe bonded with some goats then we went on the amusements in Golden Sands arcade. We went to the Ancient Mariners Le Strange pub for dinner. Josh split his chin open when he fell over going up some steps on the patio. Everyone was disgusted at my meal of whitebait. Joe tried one because he'd do anything if you pay him! We shared choc fondue with marshmallows, strawberries, profiteroles and mini doughnuts to dip in. We drove home in the dark and didn't get back til 10.30pm.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Big Feastival

Tasha, Joe and I went on the train to Kingham in Oxfordshire to the Big Feastival at Alex James's farm. I had won the tickets in a competition run by Jamie magazine that Tasha buys. Joe enjoyed going on a train that had a buffet car and just everything train-related in general. Tasha had to throw her diet cokes away at the entrance when we were getting our wristbands put on coz the security guard wouldn't let us take them in.
   It was a nice sunny day but Tasha and Joe donned their wellies anyway to get in the festival spirit. We saw Jamie Oliver do some cooking with Gennaro on the big kitchen stage and he brought Jools and his little girls on for a bit too. There was a huge crowd there to see him.
   Tasha had her book signed by Alex James from Blur and nearly passed out from excitement. She also got to see him launching his new cheese.
   Meanwhile, in the Little Dudes den Joe did an interactive tasting adventure where he had to guess what different foods were using only his sense of touch or smell etc. He didn't like the drinking salty water bit! I bought him a groovy smoothie afterwards to get the taste out. Me and Joe said we would've liked the chance to be able to stroke Alex's goats and Tasha said yes she'd like to stroke Alex's goat. Dirty devil!
   For lunch Joe had a burger from Byron hamburgers and me and Tasha had a fishdog which was a posh fishfinger with minted mushy peas in a roll. Joe had a marshmallow and strawberry skewer dipped in the chocolate fountain. There was a competition to name a big plastic cow. I liked the name Cow Pat Butcher.
   We went round all the stalls and had some tasters of fudge, bread, cheese, energy drink etc. Joe had a go on a unicycle and bought a bubble blower. We watched the bands on the music stage for a little bit even though we'd never heard of them. During one bit Jamie came on to play the drums and Alex to play the guitar.
   Then we got the train to Reading and after getting lost and having to ask a policeman for directions we booked into the Premier Inn. It was very late and we were starving so Joe was nearly falling asleep at the table in the restaurant. The chef came out with our meals himself so when he turned away Joe said "Yes, Chef." We went to bed feeling worn out but happy.
   Joe woke us up bright and early the next morning and we went to the Oracle shopping centre before heading home laden down with goodies.