Saturday 8 September 2012

Sunny Hunny

Dad, Mum and I met up with the Baileys in Hunstanton. We had lunch at the cafe near the sand dunes at Old Hunstanton then we went down to the beach and Josh did some playing with the sand while Joe went in the sea. We then went to New Hunstanton and had some hot doughnuts. Don, Tash, Joe, Josh and I played crazy golf. Don, Josh and Joe went on the slippery dip. Joe bonded with some goats then we went on the amusements in Golden Sands arcade. We went to the Ancient Mariners Le Strange pub for dinner. Josh split his chin open when he fell over going up some steps on the patio. Everyone was disgusted at my meal of whitebait. Joe tried one because he'd do anything if you pay him! We shared choc fondue with marshmallows, strawberries, profiteroles and mini doughnuts to dip in. We drove home in the dark and didn't get back til 10.30pm.

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