Monday 21 July 2014


The boys broke up for their summer holidays before Tasha did so me, Mum and Dad took them away for the week to Felixstowe beach caravan park.
Monday - On the way back from the docks Dad was worn out so he had a go on Joe's scooter.
Tuesday - We went to Jimmy's farm. Josh went on the zipwire but he went a bit green so didn't fancy another go. We did den building and Mum made a mini house for a woodlouse.
In the evening we walked down to the docks again and Josh showed me how he can kiss his own shoulder.
Wednesday - Me and the boys had snow cones from the Sweet Hut. They were paper cones with crushed ice in and flavoured syrups poured on.
We drove to Old Felixstowe to do crabbing off of the jetty. We put bacon on the end of the special lines and caught five crabs and put them in our bucket of water. One crab climbed out and escaped. Joe got covered in mud trying to rescue our net and Josh got covered in mud releasing our crabs back into the sea. They had icecreams and Joe added icecream to the sand and mud all over him. What a mucky pup!
Thursday - We went swimming in the pool in town. I insisted we all go down the huge water chute.
Then we went to visit the fort. Dad showed us the kind of gas mask he had when he was a boy.
We went for a final late-night walk after dinner and Josh was so tired he nearly fell asleep in a hedge.
Friday - When I opened my eyes Josh looked at me and said "You are having a bad hair day today aren't you, Cam?"

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