Friday 19 September 2014

Zante - Friday

We got the bus to Zakynthos town. I was getting all hot and grumpy. Dad said he feels like a milkmaid with one of those things round their necks and on the end of his weighing him down are me and Mum moaning!

We went for some lunch and Dad confused the waiter by saying stuff like "er, oui?" when he couldn't hear/understand him.
When the zucchini chips Dad ordered came he said "Where are the potatoes?"
We said, "You didn't order potatoes."
He said "Yes I did, chips are potatoes."

We walked all the way to St Dionysius church (which Sue our tour guide from yesterday had said was a must-visit) much to Mum's disgust because she is not a fan of long treks but when we got there Mum pointed out a sign saying closed between 1 and 5pm. Oops.

It was uphill on the long walk back to the bus station and Mum was struggling. Two stray dogs came along and gave her some moral support.

We had a siesta at our hotel then went out for dinner. Mum had a banana split and a sun goddess cocktail and they came with sparklers in. Dad said to the waitress it's Mum's birthday and the waitress was like oh how lovely, happy birthday and then Dad said it's not really. I cringed in the corner.

We got given free shots at the end of the meal so Dad was happy, drinking mine and his own.

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