Wednesday 17 September 2014

Zante - Wednesay

We went on a turtle-spotting boat trip. I was so happy that we got to see some.

We stopped in the middle of the sea for people to climb down the ladder of the boat and do some swimming. Mum and Dad were a bit gutted coz the water was too deep for them to go in but they would've liked a paddle. When people got back on the boat they dripped on us a bit and Dad said "Oh don't mind us will you" really loudly to these blonde bikini-clad girls. I think he thought they were Russian or something and wouldn't understand him but they were Australian and said sorry.

After our excursion we stopped off in town for some refreshments. I was on a cake crawl.

Dad asked for the Alex special cocktail that was on the menu and asked the waiter if he is Alex. The waiter said no, he's James and would Dad like a James special instead so Dad said go on then. He made it and brought it over and told us it was vodka, schnapps and grenadine and asked Dad if he liked it. Dad did one of his no not really faces.

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