Wednesday 13 May 2015

Saturday 9 May 2015

London - saturday

We went to the Excel for the London Pet Show. The first thing we watched was the sheepdog duck herding display. Some of the ducks were a bit naughty so the man said they were ASBO ducks. And they weren't used to being on carpet so they kept slipping over.

Then we went to watch the rabbit showjumping.

And we got to stroke them afterwards.
Then we had a wander round and stroked some chinchillas, a hamster, donkeys, chicks, dogs and even a skunk!

I was in heaven! We also watched the superdogs show.

Trip and owner Lucy Heath won the Strictly Dpggy Dancing competition

We went to the Scandinavian kitchen for lunch. Ness had the meatballs and salads and I had the banana cake.

We bought some plopp bars to take home.

Next we went to the Wellcome Collection to look at the connections between medicine, life and art.

We saw lots of interesting things including George III's hair (containing high levels of arsenic) and a Peruvian mummy.

Friday 8 May 2015

London - Friday

   Me and Ness went to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons. It houses one of the oldest collections of anatomical, pathological and zoological specimens in the UK and is based on the items assembled by John Hunter, surgeon and anatomist (1728-1793). There were some fascinating things on display.

Then we went for a wander round Leather Lane market.
For lunch we had macaroni cheese toasties from Grill My Cheese.

We went to Victoria to check out the Dutch Hema store.

Then we went into central London and to the Bubba Gump shop. I bought a cuddly shrimp.

We had a pit stop at the Nordic bakery. Ness had a cinnamon bun and I had a lingonberry bun.

I enjoyed myself spotting a few Shaun the sheeps.

We went to some vintage clothes shops for Ness and to Crosstown doughnuts for me. I wanted the orange blossom but the man gave me a chocolate orange one instead - oh-uh.

We did a lot of getting lost and going in more shops.

We went to Bunnychow for dinner (a South African fast food dish consisting of a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with curry).
Ness had the veggie bunnychow and I had the breakfast one.

Then worn out and loaded down we got the tube and the DLR to our hotel.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Aunty day

We went up St Mary's church tower.

And to the anthropology museum.

And then we watched Esio Trot.