Saturday 9 May 2015

London - saturday

We went to the Excel for the London Pet Show. The first thing we watched was the sheepdog duck herding display. Some of the ducks were a bit naughty so the man said they were ASBO ducks. And they weren't used to being on carpet so they kept slipping over.

Then we went to watch the rabbit showjumping.

And we got to stroke them afterwards.
Then we had a wander round and stroked some chinchillas, a hamster, donkeys, chicks, dogs and even a skunk!

I was in heaven! We also watched the superdogs show.

Trip and owner Lucy Heath won the Strictly Dpggy Dancing competition

We went to the Scandinavian kitchen for lunch. Ness had the meatballs and salads and I had the banana cake.

We bought some plopp bars to take home.

Next we went to the Wellcome Collection to look at the connections between medicine, life and art.

We saw lots of interesting things including George III's hair (containing high levels of arsenic) and a Peruvian mummy.

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