Monday 18 July 2011

Gran Canaria - Mon

We got on the coach for our excursion to the capital city - Las Palmas. Our first stop was the botanic gardens. Me and Mum slept on the way there so we were surprised to see it had been raining. When we got off the coach one of our fellow passengers twisted her ankle so Mum checked her over and I gave her some paracetamol. We had a wander round the gardens and saw palms, massive cacti and dragon trees that survived the ice age. Also a lady cut open an aloe plant to show us the squish inside that you can put on your skin.
Next stop was the historic town centre. I got in a mood because my suncream leaked all over everything in my bag. Our tour guide man took us round the main square and to the monument to the holy ghost. Then he left us to it and we went in the cathedral. This English woman from our coach asked if she could tag along with us but we ditched her when she was busy taking photos.
We went in Christopher Columbus's house. The English woman found us again so Dad chatted to her. We made another getaway though when she said she works for God TV.
Next we went to a shopping centre. Dad marched us past Primark and Marks & Spencer to the food court.
We went in the supermarket. There were loads of hams hanging up.
Back at our hotel we ordered Dad a blue lagoon cocktail. We listened to some singers. Dad said they were like him and Mum coz it was a good looking lady and an old baldy man.
A conspiracy is going on because Mum and Dad had a rose put in their room and sweets put on their pillows. I did not get the same treatment.

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