Thursday 14 July 2011

Gran Canaria - Thur

We went to get the free hotel bus to the beach but it was full up - gutted. Thankfully we didn't have long to wait till the next one. Me and Dad went for a paddle in the sea and got our trousers all wet while Mum sulked.
We went in a cafe and Dad had a special cappucino in a glass. We had a look at some boards with excursions on and this man with vitiligo said we could go on a free boat ride funded by the government. He put us in a taxi and said to Dad could he pretend to be 65 when we got there otherwise he wouldn't be eligible. The taxi took us to a hotel where a lady explained we'd have to listen to the 90 minute sales spiel before we could get our free boat ride. Me and Mum were like ok but Dad was giving her the hairy eyeball so we had to leave.
We went back to the beach. The sand was so hot it was burning our feet. Me and Dad had another paddle. I got wet right up to my bum. We left Mum on a sunlounger with our stuff but when we saw the man coming round for payment for them we scarpered. The free bus back to the hotel came and there was a massive bundle of pushing-in Germans so we weren't able to get on. We waited for the next one.
We went to a little tourist office place and booked some excursions. The man had to come after us coz Dad told him 3 times 26 is 68 and paid that, when it is 78.
After tea we went in the bar to watch some Spanish dancing - Mum enjoyed the male dancer's leg tremors. She ordered Dad an Irish coffee in the hope it'll make him sleep.

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